333 Method for Anxiety

333 Method for anxiety

Anxiety is a natural and common emotional response that everyone experiences at some point. It involves feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear, often triggered by specific situations perceived as threatening or stressful. However, when anxiety becomes frequent or overwhelming, it may indicate an anxiety disorder, which requires professional attention and management.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety serves a basic survival function: the “fight-or-flight” response. It prepares the body to face or escape perceived threats. This response can be beneficial in dangerous situations, but in modern times, it’s often triggered by situations that are not life-threatening, like public speaking, performance evaluations, social interactions, work or school/college pressures, changes in routine or having to travel somewhere for example.

Some of these may seem trivial to some people, but they can have a significant impact on those of us who are prone to anxiety.

So, if you feel the anxious feeling creeping in, a useful tool to help with it is the ‘333 Method’.

How the 333 Method Works

The 333 method involves the following steps:

  1. Identify and Name Three Objects Around You: This step helps bring your attention to your immediate surroundings and away from the source of anxiety. For example, you might notice a football, then a bird flying by, then a car parked by you.
  2. Acknowledge Three Sounds You Hear: This focuses your listening and helps you tune into the present environment, instead of intrusive anxious thoughts. These sounds could be the wind around you, then the sound of traffic passing you by and then the sound of people talking in the background.
  3. Move Three Parts of Your Body: Engage your body to remind yourself where you are and what you’re doing. You could wiggle your fingers, then tap your feet and finally stretch your neck.

It’s important that you complete all the 3 x 3 x 3 and not just one or two in each category.

Remember, it’s OK to take a moment for yourself. Anxiety is something that we all experience. If you do feel it’s becoming frequent or overwhelming, then consider seeking out professional advice and check out The Hub of Hope.


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The resources and support provided in The Vault are designed to promote mental wellbeing and provide general guidance on mental health related to grassroots football.

However, the content is not intended to serve as specific mental health advice or replace consultation with a trained professional. If you or someone you know requires personalised mental health support, we strongly encourage you to consult with a licensed mental health professional and/or seek appropriate services in your area.

The resources and support provided in The Vault are designed to promote mental wellbeing and provide general guidance on mental health related to grassroots football.

However, the content is not intended to serve as specific mental health advice or replace consultation with a trained professional. If you or someone you know requires personalised mental health support, we strongly encourage you to consult with a licensed mental health professional or seek appropriate services in your area.

The Vault also offers signposting to help you find organisations that can provide more specialised assistance when needed.
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